
A Custom Unity-Powered Shader for Relighting a 2D Image

The shader was created by Jussi-Petteri Kemppainen for his 2.5D adventure game.

Jussi-Petteri Kemppainen, an experienced Game Designer, Animator, and VFX Artist, continues working on Echoes of Somewhere, a recently-unveiled adventure game with AI-generated visuals, 3D characters, and 2D image backgrounds, and sharing the development process behind it. This time, the creator showcased a custom Unity-powered shader created for the game, which can relight the scene's flat background image. According to the author, the setup consists of three hand-painted texture passes, Normal, Lit, and Shadowed, and uses "Unity lights as masks on unlit materials".

In the future, the creator also considers sharing a detailed breakdown of the shader, so we recommend checking out Kemppainen's Twitter page and the game's website so as not to miss any future updates.

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