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A Game Developer Makes a Gun That Creates Flower Bridges

Italian Developer Tommaso Romano created another beautiful vegetation generator in Unity.

Tommaso Romano is the creator behind the gorgeous procedural ivy generator we wrote about not long ago. This time Tommaso made a violence-free gun that shoots leaves and flowers instead of bullets and can even make an entire ivy bridge. It allows you to create solid bridges dynamically: as the developer explains, the geometry is procedurally generated "to create the collider mesh to make it coverable with leaves and walkable."

The video demonstration is the new sneak peek into the process of creation of an FPS that Tommaso is developing in Unity. Though Twitter users have already come up with a bunch of new categories for the game — First Person Planter, First Person Sower, First Plant Shooter, and so on.

Tommaso Romano is going to release a tutorial explaining how the gun was created soon.

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