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A Stunning Wind-Blown Tree Made in Blender

This amazing setup is made with Geometry Nodes by Miettinen Jesse.

3D Artist and Blender enthusiast Miettinen Jesse a.k.a. Blenderesse has demonstrated a wind-blown tree made entirely in Blender. According to the artist, this is only a WiP demonstration, but it already looks amazing and can rival similar projects in terms of quality and realism. The entire animation is made in Blender using Geometry Nodes, a set of nodes introduced with Blender 3.0. 

This is not the first time Miettinen shows this project. Previously, the author had already demonstrated the animation several times, constantly updating and refining it. The artist adds that the tree will be available at Gumroad once it is finished. Here are some of the previous WiP posts:

Miettinen Jesse is well known for his amazing procedural experiments. Previously, the author had revealed a stunning castle generator, a freezing effect, a tool for scattering pigeons, and an amazing cottage generator built in Blender. You can find all these projects and more by visiting the artist's Twitter page.

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