At SIGGRAPH, AMD announced and presented their new hardware solution called Radeon Pro SSG with 1TB of memory on the board. This power is not just a concept – AMD announced that they’ll start selling the cards in a developer’s kit starting in 2017, with a price of $9,999.

That one, of course, is not for the games. SSG might be useful when working with 8K video post-production – the card can give you amazing 90 fps. It appears that the card won’t need a large SSD on the main system and AMD will integrate 1TB of NAND directly on the Radeon Pro SSG.
One of the most challenging constraints faced by GPU computing applications is the inability to access terabytes of data. Radeon Pro SSG is poised to not only speed-up processing for many applications with very large datasets, but also to enable new application experiences by utilizing data persistence of non-volatile memory. This will be a disruptive advancement for many graphics and compute applications.
Raja Koduri, senior vice president and chief architect, Radeon Technologies Group, AMD
AMD states that several industries might benefit from the power of Radeon Pro SSG – medicine, where a complex structure like a human heart can be rendered in real-time 3D, oil and gas exploration, machine learning, VR creation, engineering, previz for films, CAD models, and many more industries
AMD is currently accepting applications for dev kits, and will begin giving it to customers in 2017 for $9,999 with a 10-year warranty and 24/7 support.
Source: Forbes