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An Uploading Visual Effect Made in Blender

Check out Late as usual's latest VFX that creates an illusion of a scene gradually loading in real-time.

VFX Artist Late as usual, widely known for creating astonishing visual effects that look like wizardry, has recently presented yet another mind-blowing project made with Blender. Achieved with custom nodes, post-processing, and depth projection, Late as usual's latest effect allows the artist to create an illusion of a fully-modeled street scene gradually appearing from glowing squares as if it was uploading in real-time in a game.

"Advantage of doing it this way is you don't need to modify the rest of the scene at all (things like reflections will still show in puddles etc.) Disadvantage is can look a little weird with occlusion – but I'm just gonna call that part of the effect," commented the creator.

Please note that the street model itself was made by Aurélien Martel:

And here's the same effect set up by the artist in Godot Engine:

Late as usual is known to many as a great Tech Artist who utilizes the power of Blender and Linux to create fantastic visual effects. Previously, the artist showed a neat "fake boolean" shader, a cool-looking space-destroying portalan impressive laser melting effect, and a stunning black hole effect made with shaders only. You can check out the artist's Gumroad page and Twitter page to learn more.

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