Image credit: Aspyr/PlayStation.Blog
In a recent Playstation blog post, Chris Bashaar, the Director of Product at Aspyr, shared some details regarding the upcoming Tomb Raider I-III Remastered, which is slated for release on February 18 and will be available on PC, PS4/5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
According to Bashaar, the remastered versions will feature the following elements. Firstly, players will have the opportunity to switch between the classic tank-style controls from the PlayStation 1 title and modern control options, which were inspired by the Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld era of Tomb Raider.
Image credit: Aspyr/PlayStation.Blog
Image credit: Aspyr/PlayStation.Blog
The next features are a health bar for bosses, so you could understand "if you should swap to the grenade launcher or if you should keep soaking pistol damage," the in-game 3D health kit and ammo that now aren't in 2D, 200 trophies to earn while playing the games, a robust photo mode, and "a few more surprises", as mentioned in the post.
"We had a firm belief that the gameplay of Tomb Raider I, II, and III is timeless, and with our use of the existing source code, we had every jump, secret, enemy, and puzzle exactly as the original development team designed and intended," stated Bashaar. "So the conversation evolved into: how do we surprise and delight these fans? And that’s where we started brainstorming additions instead of revisions."
Hopefully, we'll get the opportunity to play the iconic remasters soon enough, as January is already coming to an end.
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