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Broken Roads: An Upcoming Isometric Post-Apocalyptic RPG

The game is set in a post-apocalyptic Australia and promises a rich and engaging narrative.

If you are a fan of classic pre-Bethesda Fallout games, here's an upcoming title that you should definitely check out. Meet Broken Roads, an isometric narrative-driven RPG set in an Australian post-apocalyptic setting.

The development studio Drop Bear Bytes stated that the game will have a rich and engaging narrative that will task the player to make their own way in the wasteland based on the decisions they make. The game will utilize both traditional and modern RPG elements, offering nearly unlimited character development options.

Broken Roads will also feature an original morality system – The Moral Compass. This system allows dialogue options and questing decisions to influence, and be influenced by, the main character's philosophical leaning.


  • All-new post-apocalyptic setting
  • Unique morality system influencing dialogue, quests, and character development
  • Authentic Australian locations and environments
  • Blend of traditional and original RPG mechanics
  • Up to 5 party members
  • Turn-based tactical combat
  • Hand-drawn artwork
  • A content-rich and densely-crafted world

The game is set to be released later this year, you can learn more by visiting the official website and Broken Roads' Steam page.

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