
Check Out Miu Akatsuki's New 2D Hands Animation That Looks 3D

Made in After Effects by separating the drawing into several assets.

Illustrator and Animator Miu Akatsuki has once again blown our minds with their unusual talent to make 2D animations look nearly indistinguishable from 3D artworks, presenting a new animation portraying a pair of stylized anime-inspired hands.

Similar to Miu's earlier projects, the illusion of 3D is achieved by splitting the drawing into several assets and deforming each of them separately, allowing the artist to achieve incredibly smooth results. As for the software, the creator relied on their favorite go-to tool After Effects, Adobe's digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application.

Previously, Miu also showcased a similar 2D hand animation experiment made with AE:

And last year, the creator wowed us with an incredible mint chocolate chip ice cream animation, complete with an assortment of sweet toppings, as well as an appropriately-colored Kirby:

You can see more of Miu's works by visiting the artist's TikTokInstagram, and Twitter pages. Don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our new Discord server, follow us on InstagramTwitterLinkedInTelegramTikTok, and Threads, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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