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Cyberpunk 2077 Ships 20 Million Copies

CD Projekt Red announced yet another impressive milestone achieved by Cyberpunk 2077.

Following its overwhelming rise in popularity caused by Netflix's Edgerunners anime, the 1.6 patch, and the announcement of Phantom Liberty DLC, Cyberpunk 2077 managed to achieve yet another impressive milestone, this time in the sales department.

According to the announcement shared yesterday by the game's developer CD Projekt Red, the game sold over 20 million copies worldwide across all platforms, meaning it took the game less than two years to hit the mark. "Over 20 million cyberpunks have been roaming the streets of Night City, thank you and we hope to see you all in the Afterlife," states the company's announement.

Just recently, the game also hit one million daily players across all platforms. In light of that, the studio's developers thanked the community for giving Cyberpunk 2077 a second chance.

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