
Detail Mesh Tool Tutorial for Houdini

Paul Ambrosiussen created a tutorial, showing how you to project detail mesh onto template geometry with Houdini.

Paul Ambrosiussen created a tutorial, showing how you to project detail mesh onto template geometry with Houdini.

Here’s a great new tutorial from Houdini. SideFX is constantly updating its gamedev-centered tools and most recently the company added Detail Mesh HDA (Houdini Digital Asset) utility. It allows you to project a detail mesh onto template geometry.

The tool will analyze your template and will based on its UVs, project the detail mesh onto it to create the output. While doing this, it will also try and resolve any seams that get created due to the input UVs.

Paul Ambrosiussen

You can download the tool here. If you have some questions, you can ask them directly on official forums.

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Comments 1

  • Cock James

    Excuse me but Holy Sh**.. That is crazy. Imagine the possibilities of this being procedural with matching material/textures.


    Cock James

    ·6 years ago·

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