You play Team Fortress 2 as a dude. That has always been this way. It appears that the studio had some plans for female characters too though. Former Valve artist Drew Wolf has revealed a couple of concept designs from the the early stages of production that show a different path for the legendary multiplayer shooter.
The artist, who spent nine years working at the company, has recently updated his website with tons of cool stuff (ideas for a DOTA 2 cartoon and more), giving a look at a part of “an internal pitch project aimed to bring female characters to the cast of Team Fortress 2.”
I was responsible for story, character development and visual design. With the exception of their class function, It was important that each design presented an entirely new character. I wanted these characters to live on their own and add dimension to the current roster of in-game characters. The goal of the project was to dive deep into possibilities and facilitate creative discussion.
Why did they abandon this idea? Nothing ever came of this, but it would be so awesome to try these female versions, right? Find more of his works at his personal site. We hope to get more details on the project soon, so stay tuned.