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Floor796: Ever-Evolving Animation Project Open to All Artists

Check out this cool project, to which anyone can contribute.

An artist by the name of 0x00 shared an enormous project called Floor796. The project is an ever-growing animated scene with countless references, events, and characters. The author claims, that everyone can contribute to this project by adding new rooms.

According to the author, the story of the project is pretty simple – this is the 796th floor of an enormous space base, where many characters from different universes and periods of time work and relax. This story allows for any flight of imagination to be added. Robots, humans, anime characters, game characters, mythical creatures, you name it. 

Since this is a space base, it consists of different bays, and every bay has its own purpose, whether it is a cafeteria, a bar, an assembly line, a laboratory, etc. This approach allows everyone to add any bay he or she wants and fill it with different characters that work, relax, and interact with one another.

0x00 says, that it took 3 years to make the project look like it looks now. 1 year was spent on development and 2 years to create the first 8 bays. Now though, that everyone can add any bay and doesn't have to deal with programming, the author hopes that the project will continue growing exponentially.

Down below you can see some WiP photos and a video, that shows the workflow in Floor796's editor.

You can check out the full project by clicking this link. New rooms can be added by visiting Floor796's editorial website. Also, don't forget to join our new Telegram channel, our Discord, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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