It appears that Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked is running into some troubles.
Recently, a video titled “Pay to Win Cars in Fortnite” has gone viral on TikTok. The creator, nickeh30, who identifies as a "Fortnite Creator" in his bio, uploaded the video demonstrating the differences between shooting at “pay-to-lose” and “pay-to-win” cars in the game. He first shoots at a default car with a large windshield, and then at “pay-to-win” cars that have noticeably smaller windshields, which he claims are “way more difficult” to shoot through.
The video has led players to question Epic's commitment to their promise that Fortnite’s cosmetics don’t provide any advantage during gameplay — a statement explicitly made on their Q&A page.
In response to the escalating frustration within the community, Epic sent a brief comment to Kotaku about the situation: “We’re aware of the issue and have a fix planned for an upcoming build.”
Intriguingly, a few hours later, nickeh30 uploaded another video to clarify some details from his previous post. In the new video, he clarified that there was "misinformation" circulating about his last video, and he didn't mean to suggest that Fortnite encourages players to buy paid cars because the free cars are bad. He stated, "That is not true."
He then demonstrated that some free cars also have small windshields, while some paid cars have broader windshields and are easier to shoot at. He concluded by stating:
"So my point being, is that it’s not the paid cars that are giving you the advantage. Those two cars are both paid. One gives you disadvantage, the other one gives you advantage."
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