
Gaea 1.0.24 Available

Gaea 1.0.24 has been released, introducing Houdini integration, major node updates, and more.

Gaea 1.0.24 has been released, introducing Houdini integration, major node updates, and more. Let’s check out the update.

First, the RANGE node now has two modes:

  • The “High Altitude” mode sets up large mountain range structures at higher altitudes, without creating a base.
  • The “With Base” creates more expansive alpine areas with better shapes and clustering of mountain peaks, and larger expanses at the base.

The SNOW node has been upgraded with more possibilities for snow simulation. The Verticality slider allows users to adjust the snow’s position more easily when using it with high Settle and Melt values. Please note that the new simulation is used by default, so if you want to use the classic simulation algorithm, check the “Prefer old style” option.

The HEIGHT selector node is said to sport a “Normalized” mode. “By default, when it is turned off, Gaea uses the entire terrain definition height to select,” noted the team. “For example, if your terrain height definition is set to 2600m, 100% will equal 2600m even if the actual shape of your terrain only reaches 1000m. When Normalized is turned on, Gaea will adapt the range to your shape’s range rather than the definition range.”

Another major thing is that Gaea can now be used from Houdini. Users can set up a graph of any scale in Gaea, with appropriate input/output points, expose parameters that they need to modify from Houdini, then load your .tor file in Houdini using the Gaea Bridge node from the Game Development Toolset in Houdini.

You can get more details here.

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  • S.K.O

    VUE without competition



    ·5 years ago·

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