How did the developers work on their stylized pirate world? Let’s answer this question with a 2018 GDC talk by Rare’s Ryan Stevenson.
What’s your take on the recently released Sea of Thieves? Did the team manage to build a beautiful and captivating experience? Well, the game’s art style at least is quite good, isn’t it? It up to you to judge the adventure’s gameplay, but let’s stick to the game’s visuals this time. How did the developers work on their stylized pirate world? Let’s answer this question with a 2018 GDC talk by Rare’s Ryan Stevenson.
In this 2018 GDC talk, Rare’s Ryan Stevenson shares a behind the scenes view of the visual development process from Sea of Thieves, outlines the challenges the team set themselves when they journeyed into the unknown and explains how a few simple rules can permeate through all aspects of a game’s visuals to create a unique stylized look.
Make sure to discuss the game’s current state in the comments below? Is it worth a shot? Will it take a couple of updates to make it fun in terms of gameplay?