Take a closer look at this formidable dinosaur.
Jurassic World and and Jurassic Park fans will be happy to see this huge Tyrannosaurus animatronic in action. Created by Creature Technology Company, it inspires fear but can also be a cute puppy if needed, as you can see in the video provided by the organization.
Driven by a special kart, the dinosaur looks astonishingly real but also almost CGI-like in the hangar, its roaring demanding horror and respect at the same time.
Image credit: Creature Technology Company
Image credit: Creature Technology Company
In the world of advanced graphics and AI, the craft of those who can make something this amazing should definitely be applauded, so shout out to these awesome creators.
The Jurassic Park franchise has been around for a long time, showering all dinosaur appreciators with great movies. If you want to get a surge of nostalgia, check out these photos from the first film's production, shared by Industrial Light & Magic, the company responsible for its CGI.
Image credit: ILM
Image credit: ILM
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