
Guide: How To Adjust Octane Render’s Pesky Edge Displacement

Tony Copolillo has shared a quick guide for users of Octane Render and Cinema 4D.

Tony Copolillo has shared a quick guide for users of Octane Render and Cinema 4D. Learn how you can adjust Octane Render’s pesky edge displacement and don’t forget to share your own ideas in the comments. 

I made this little graphic to show one way to adjust for Octane Render’s pesky edge displacement in Cinema 4D.

The displacement mapping appears to ignore UVs and is apparently applied with cubic mapping treating each surface as a separate plane. This is why it breaks at the seams.

This doesn’t work for everything, but it’s a good start. In addition to edge cuts and phong tags, it’s also helpful to set the Octane Displacement “mid level” to .5 and then slide that up or down to bring the edges close to touching, based on the depth of your displacement.

I’d love to hear other solves and approaches you guys have discovered.

Tony Copolillo

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Comments 1

  • lllll

    It's not perfect.



    ·7 years ago·

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