
Industrial Light & Magic Revealed the VFX Behind The Book of Boba Fett

Here's how young Luke Skywalker's deepfake was made.

Visual effects studio Industrial Light & Magic unveiled the details behind the VFX in The Book of Boba Fett. ILM relied on practical means of making creatures, so Krrsantan, Cad Bane, and some other characters were depicted using animatronics.

The team also used stop motion animation for B'omarr brain walkers.

To deliver the beautiful environments of the show, the studio utilized an LED Volume stage, which appeared in over one-fifth of all the shots.

One of the most interesting features of the show was using deepfake technology to recreate young Luke Skywalker. The team ran low-resolution deepfakes in all daily takes, then matched the CG head to the deepfake, and rendered out various texture layers, which then were combined with the raw deepfake for the final result.

To develop the machine learning and AI fields, Lucasfilm hired the popular deepfake YouTuber Shamook last year.

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