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Looking Glass Is Now Shipping Its 8K Holographic Display

Looking Glass is now shipping 8K Immersive Display for teams looking for a large-format holographic solution that doesn’t require using VR or AR headsets.

The new device is said to be powered by Looking Glass Factory’s proprietary light field technology featuring 33.2 million pixels with over a billion-count color gamut at 60 Hz for the highest fidelity. The team noted that it operates on optical principles and a software platform that doesn't require using any head-tracking or VR or AR headsets. Engineering, mapping/GIS, medical imaging, entertainment, and other teams can benefit from its possibilities. 

"Having access to a glasses-free holographic display is a massive breakthrough, and presents an exciting prospect for teams working in immersive computer graphics, visualization, and content creation," said Kim Libreri, CTO, Epic Games. "The Looking Glass holographic display provides a stunning level of realism, and we look forward to seeing the innovations that emerge with the support of Unreal Engine generated content."

The new system can also be used by medical specialists, for example. 

"Understanding anatomic structures in three dimensions is critical for multiple aspects of high-quality patient care, including teaching trainees, educating patients, and procedure planning," noted Dr. Yuh Z. Lee, Associate Professor of Radiology at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. "The Looking Glass enables us to see and discuss anatomy in three dimensions collaboratively, without the need for cumbersome goggles or glasses."
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