
NetEase Places a Bounty on Cheat Reports for WoW in China

Targeting both in-game and out-of-game misbehaviors. 

World of Warcraft (WoW) is making a comeback in China after over a year's hiatus, thanks to a resolution between Blizzard and NetEase, the publisher of several Blizzard games in the country. To celebrate WoW's return, NetEase is launching an event in July aimed at clamping down on cheating.


As spotted by WoWHead, NetEase is encouraging players to report any behavior that violates the terms of service, such as cheating or hacking. Players who contribute to this cause by reporting misconduct will be rewarded with Battle.net Balance. A weekly leaderboard will track the top reporters and those who rank highest at the end of each month will receive additional Battle.net points, with the top reporter receiving 1,288 points.

In addition to tackling in-game misconduct, NetEase also targets the production, sale, and distribution of hacks. Anyone who uncovers illegal behavior related to these is encouraged to report it to the official channel. If the provided evidence leads to a legal case and aids the team's collaboration with the police, the informant could be rewarded up to RMB 100,000  (approximately $14,000).


Currently, this plan only applies to WoW Classic. However, if works well, the program could be extended to the modern WoW following the August 1 launch of The War Within pre-patch.

The original post from NetEast can be found here. Don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitterLinkedInTikTok, and Reddit, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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