Glitches are a common problem in any game, and Overwatch 2 is not an exception. It has plenty of bugs, but this new one proves to be one of the most game-breaking as both teams can lose the ability to play the match.
As noticed by "Overwatch glitch hunter" nsbunited, on the Paraíso map, Mercy can reduce everyone's FPS to nearly nothing if she completes the following steps:
- During the setup phase, stand on the location shown at 1:49 in the video until your gun animation becomes bugged (around 7-9 times)
- Pull out your staff, the FPS should start dropping soon after
- To make it worse, jump off the map
The best part is it's possible to get only your frames back and then go win the round.
But if you thought you were going to dominate the game and climb out of Bronze now, I'm here to disappoint you: Blizzard has apparently already removed the map from rotation. So it's time to grind some more.
Find out more glitches on nsbunited's YouTube channel and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.