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Nintendo is Suing a Reddit Mod Accusing Them of Piracy

The gaming giant has filed two new lawsuits against a Reddit moderator and Modded Hardware, who’s allegedly sold modded consoles.

Nintendo has filed two more lawsuits in a Washington federal court, taking further steps against people they believe are helping others pirate games on the Nintendo Switch.

As reported by TorrentFreak, the first lawsuit targets Modded Hardware for violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) by selling mod chips, MIG devices, and modded consoles preloaded with pirated games. The second complaint is issued at "Archbox," a moderator of the r/SwitchPirates subreddit, for promoting piracy and operating numerous "pirate shops."


It’s reported that in March this year, the gaming giant had approached Modded Hardware's alleged owner and operator, Ryan Daly, who is also known as "Homebrew Homie". Despite the two parties reaching an agreement that unlawful activities, including the selling of MIG devices and modded consoles, would stop, Modded Hardware continued its operations. Nintendo followed up with a lawsuit after further outreach proved ineffective.

Meanwhile, the second lawsuit accuses James Williams, known online as "Archbox," of distributing unauthorized copies of games via multiple "pirate shops." The complaint reads: 

"Defendant is the operator, overseer, and driving force behind several Pirate Shops, through which Defendant has offered massive libraries of pirated Nintendo Switch games.

Defendant became a leading (if not the primary) moderator of the SwitchPirates Reddit community, which he helped grow to nearly 190,000 members. Since 2019, Defendant has posted thousands of comments and messages to the SwitchPirates Reddit Group."

You can read the report by TorrentFreak here to learn more about the lawsuits and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitterLinkedInTikTok, and Reddit, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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