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Nolan's Third Batman Movie Was Likely Delayed Becasue of Fallout 3

Apparently, Bethesda's first Fallout game distracted Jonathan Nolan from co-writing The Dark Knight Rises script.

If someone told me a month ago that The Dark Knight Rises, the third and most meme-worthy installment in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, could have been released earlier if it weren't for Fallout 3, I would've dismissed the notion outright, but in this unpredictable world of ours, it seems that no idea or possibility is off the table.

Recently, Jonathan Nolan, the brother of Christopher Nolan and co-writer of several of his brother's movies, opened up about his fondness for video games, crediting Bethesda's first Fallout game, released in 2008, with igniting his passion. Ahead of the upcoming release of Amazon's Fallout TV series, Jonathan, the show's Executive Producer, revealed an interesting detail about his history with the franchise, mentioning that his intense fascination with Fallout 3 may have contributed to the delay of The Dark Knight Rises.

In an interview with Eurogamer, Nolan disclosed that he took a break from writing films for two years due to his immersion in Fallout 3, emphasizing that he was "in the mood for a distraction" during that period.

"I didn't know much about it and I was in the mood for a distraction," Nolan explained. "I think Chris had tasked me with writing The Dark Knight Rises, and so if that movie was slightly delayed, it was probably in part because of Fallout 3."

Image Credit: The Dark Knight Rises

The director further explained what exactly he liked so much about Fallout 3, an entry that many fans of the original Fallout titles and New Vegas still view as mediocre at best. "It's dark, violent, but it's also satirical and in some places almost goofy. It's all these amazing things in one. It's a really ambitious game, and I've never really experienced anything quite like it," commented Nolan.

Finally, Nolan spilled the beans on the team's approach to adapting the game stating that the greatest challenge they encountered was conveying the feeling of freedom and the expansive open-world that Bethesda's Fallout games are renowned for.

"Usually when you're adapting something, like a novel, you're adding to it. You lose some things, but you're largely adding light, picture, persona, and humanity. With a video game, you're taking things away, like the audience's sense of freedom. The whole premise of a game like Fallout, it's open world and you can go any direction you want."

Image Credit: Bethesda, Fallout 3

Notably, this is not the first time Nolan praises Fallout 3. Earlier, the director admitted that the game in question devoured about a year of his life and almost derailed his entire career.

Given Nolan's fascination with Fallout 3 and his prior statements about not aiming to cater to the franchise's dedicated fanbase, it seems increasingly likely that Amazon's soon-to-be-released show will be more akin to Bethesda games vibes-wise, suggesting a combination of meticulously crafted environments and engrossing open-world with poorly-written dialogue, a lackluster main plot, and an over-reliance on familiar Fallout tropes easily recognized by masses. I sincerely hope that the adaptation, set to premiere in just a week on April 11, proves my skepticism wrong.

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