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Number of Games Made with Unity Game Engine Increased 93% in 2021

According to Unity Gaming Report 2022, over the last year, the gaming revenue grew by 30% and the number of games made with Unity increased by 93%.

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Software developer Unity Technologies has released a new report with insights and data from Unity’s Create and Operate Solutions divisions providing a view on the state of gaming over the past year. According to the report, the number of games made with the Unity Game Engine increased by 93% in 2021.

The company also noted that there were 31% more new creators compared to the year earlier. More than that,  the gaming revenue grew by 30% in 2021. Besides, the number of daily active users is still more than 50% higher than it was before the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Unity emphasized that the results reflect the fact that "gaming has brought people together and provided human connection in a time of distance and isolation". It also highlighted that despite the "pandemic spike" subsided, the gaming industry still remains sustainable.

According to Unity's forecast, due to pandemic-driven acceleration in the number of games, the number of players, and the amount of money spent on new titles as well as on existing live service games, the gaming industry will keep growing reaching over $300 billion by 2027.

You can learn more by reading Unity Gaming Report 2022 here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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