
Paint Lights With This Free Blender Tool

Light Painter enables you to paint surfaces you want to be lit, placing the lamp for you to highlight those surfaces.

Instead of placing lights, this tool developed by Spencer Magnusson lets you interactively add lights and shadows to your scenes by painting their influence. Draw where you want the light to affect, and Light Painter will add and place the light for you.

Once installed, the painting tools can be found in the dedicated toolshelf. Select the desired tool, then left-click to activate it, use the left mouse button to draw and the right mouse button to erase marks on surfaces. Adjust lamp distance, power, and size using keyboard shortcuts within the modal tools. Now simply paint where you want the light to impact your objects' surfaces!

Light Painter supports:

  • Lamp objects of all types
  • Mesh lights, both convex hulls and tube lights
  • Sky textures
  • Flags to cast shadows for lamp objects

Light Painter

Visit Light Painter's repository on GitHub for more information, and get it from the Extensions platform here.

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