
Players Recreate Todd Howard, Ryan Gosling & Shrek in Starfield

Who needs original characters anyway?

Starfield is already making players think outside the box and realize crazy ideas. Its character creator is more powerful than I thought if the popular people fans make there are any indication.

Players have managed to recreate Ryan Gosling, Tony Soprano, Walter White, Kanye West, Shrek, and even Todd Howard himself in the game. Here are some of the best characters there are:

Characters are not the only outlet for creativity in Starfield. Players also have some awesome spaceships to show, including the famous Millennium Falcon from Star Wars, USG Ishimura from Dead Space, and Mass Effect's Normandy SR-2.

Image credit: Bethesda, krunkstep77

Image credit: Bethesda, neok182

And if your PC can't handle the game, don't worry and follow Todd Howard's advice: upgrade your system.

Show us your best character efforts and join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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