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Procedural Generation in Game Design

Are you interested in the concept of procedural generation? This book edited by Tanya X. Short and Tarn Adams will let you dive deeper into the whole idea. 

Are you interested in the concept of procedural generation? This book edited by Tanya X. Short and Tarn Adams will let you dive deeper into the whole idea. 

Basically, it is a wonderful exploration of the thinking and practice behind procedural generation in games and the way it relates to game design. It is worth noting that one the authors are engaged in the decades-long creation process of the game Dwarf Fortress, while his partner in editing Tanya Short contributed to the evolution of the concept with her games Shattered Planet, Moon Hunters and Boyfriend Dungeon. She is also known as a valuable member of the PCG (procedural content generation) community because of her talks, articles, and contribution as an editor.

“Making a game can be an intensive process, and if not planned accurately can easily run over budget. The use of procedural generation in game design can help with the intricate and multifarious aspects of game development; thus facilitating cost reduction. This form of development enables games to create their play areas, object, and stories based on a set of rules, rather than relying on the developer to handcraft each element individually,” states the description.

The book will teach you how to create randomized maps, weave accidental plotlines, and manage complex systems that are prone to unpredictable behavior. It is said to offer a wide collection of chapters from various experts that cover the implementation and enactment of procedural generation in games. The authors teamed up with designers from a variety of studios to provide concrete examples from their games to illustrate the many facets of this emerging sub-discipline.

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