
Programmer Ported Quake to Apple Watch

The game can even use a gyroscope for movement.

Programmer Tomas Vymazal has ported the original Quake to Apple Watch. You can control the character with four buttons and the Digital Crown or use the gyroscope in the watch.

The setup uses Quake software renderer and blitting to the WatchKit surface. Other features include a new AVFoundation audio backend, a high pass audio filter to remove the clicking for some of the low-frequency samples, and some modifications and code updates to glue Quake's code to Objective-C and WatchKit.

The game is based on id Software's open-source release and open-source ports to Mac and iOS. Vymazal says you can build the game yourself using a Mac and Xcode and provides the information and files on GitHub

Naturally, some started wondering if you could play Doom on Apple Watch, but I think we all know the answer to that.

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