
Researchers Created South Park Episode Using AI

It looks believable although there is a lot to improve.

There might be a day when media is generated by AI and maybe even tailored to fit every viewer specifically. just imagine if we could say what we wanted to see and get the result created uniquely for us. This sounds unbelievable, but this research brings the world a step closer to this idea.

The authors managed to produce an original episode from South Park using AI. The approach is meant to generate "high-quality episodic content for IPs using large language models (LLMs), custom state-of-the-art diffusion models, and [a] multi-agent simulation for contextualization, story progression, and behavioral control." An LLM was used to write dialogues, and Stable Diffusion provided images.

As a result, we get custom-made media in the style of whatever we want.

The researchers believe their method mitigates the Slot Machine Effect – "a scenario where the generation of AI-produced content feels more like a random game of chance rather than a deliberate creative process." They fed transcriptions of most of the South Park episodes to the GPT-4 model and essentially created a self-serving system that can refer to its database to understand the character's personalities and talking styles as well as the humor of the show.

"However, we do imitate slow-thinking as part of a multi-step creative process. For this we use different prompt chains to compare and evaluate the events of different scenes and how they progress the overall story towards a satisfactory, IP-aligned result. Our attempt to generate episodes through prompt-chaining is due to the fact that story generation is a highly discontinuous task. These are tasks where the content generation cannot be done in a gradual or continuous way, but instead requires a certain ”Eureka” idea that accounts for a discontinuous leap in the progress towards the solution of the task. The content generation involves discovering or inventing a new way of looking at or framing the problem, that enables the generation of the rest of the content."

Notably, this new South Park episode explores the idea of TV content created by AI. At the end of the show, one of the characters concludes: machines should "complement the work of writers, not supplant them." Sounds great, especially now, when the future of many specialists is clouded by uncertainty due to AI infiltrating nearly every aspect of our jobs.

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