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Silent Hill 3's Robbie the Rabbit Was Born from Real-Life Rabbit

Just not the one you might think.


Silent Hill 3 is full of creepy imagery, and Robbie the Rabbit is definitely one of the most prominent, with its crazy eyes and bloodied mouth. K.Y., its creator and a senior chief designer at Konami Digital Entertainment, shared how the character came to life, inspired by a real-life observation.

Interestingly, to find inspiration for Silent Hill 3's backgrounds, the designer went to explore real ruins. However, the idea for Robbie appeared when K.Y. saw a rabbit mascot handing out balloons in a kids' area on top of a train station building in Japan, as he told GameSpark (via Automaton Media.)

With the final character, he tried to portray "the abnormal within the normal," basically turning a cute mascot into a scary entity that unnerves players even without doing anything.

Fans loved the rabbit, and K.Y. said he was "positively surprised" by it. Eventually, Robbie became an extremely recognizable symbol of the series.

For now, Robbie has to wait for his time while players enjoy the Silent Hill 2 remake on October 8.

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