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Spend A Week In Your Family Home In This Octopath Traveler-style Game

Unravel the story of Haiyan, a young woman who isolated herself in her childhood house following a personal tragedy in Delphinium, a gorgeous Unity-based narrative-driven, interactive fiction puzzle game.

The idea of Delphinium was born from a 2.5D pixel art RPG Game Developer Sev worked as a part of a high-school programming course, which was originally based on another school assignment, a farming simulator flash game made in a little over a month.

Evoking the Octopath Traveler and Bravely Default's visual style, Delphinium blends pixel art 2D sprites with a 3D environment with particles and post-processing to bring together a meticulously crafted scenery for the story of Haiyan, a young woman who spends a week in the house she grew up in to overcome a personal tragedy.

While the game is focused on being narrative-driven fiction, some elements bring more interactivity to the world. Enjoy cooking, farming, fishing, and even some puzzle-solving as you unravel Haiyan's story.

Recently, Sev's post about turning broken collision detection into a swimming mechanic became viral and she shared a mini-breakdown of the water ripple shader:

The game is full of endearing small details. Watch the snails, pet the frogs, throw a coin into a wishing well, and observe the sky.

Delphinium has no combat, but you must be cautious of some creatures:

Including Goro Akechi:

While there's no launch date for Delphinium yet, the developer has plans for a public demo and a Steam page soon. The game will be coming to PC, although there's a chance for a console release as well.

Check out more game clips on Sev's X/Twitter account and follow her to not miss future announcements and the chance to wishlist the game. Sev also answers questions related to the development process as well as people's thoughts and opinions.

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