
Team Ninja Is Reportedly Working on Ninja Gaiden & Dead or Alive Reboots

The company hinted at Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive reboots during a panel at the G-Star conference.

Team Ninja, the Japanese game developer known for such video game series as Nioh, Ninja Gaiden, and Dead or Alive, reportedly revealed that it's currently working on the reboots of the Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive franchises.

As reported by Ruliweb, the studio's president Fumihiko Yasuda gave a talk during a panel at the G-Star conference in Busan where he shared plans for how Team Ninja is going to move forward. One of these plans included reboots of Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive.

It is stated that Yasuda showed a slide above his talk at the end of his panel. The Japanese text on the slide reads "The future of Team Ninja – Popular Series Reboot" and shows images of both classic Team Ninja series which most likely means that the team would be working on these reboots, although Yasuda didn't share any specific details regarding these projects.

Yasuda repeatedly expressed a desire to return to the Ninja Gaiden series in the past, however, back in 2021, Team Ninja said that it had no plans to make a new Ninja Gaiden game, but as we see now, something's probably changed behind the scenes since then.

The Ninja Gaiden originally started as a 2D side-scrolling action in the late 1980s and later made a significant revival as a 3D character action game in 2004. The revival was helmed by Tomonobu Itagaki, who left Team Ninja after the second game in the series. Yasuda was a level designer for Ninja Gaiden 2 and directed the series' third installment after Itagaki's departure.

Itagaki also led the development of Dead or Alive, a series of fast-paced 3D fighting games which featured Ninja Gaiden protagonist Ryu Hayabusa as one of the playable fighters. The series had six mainline entries, several spin-off games, and a live-action film adaptation.

While there might be plans to revive the two franchises, it might take years before these reboots will finally arrive as currently, the developer is at hard work on Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty which is set to release in March 2023, and Rise of the Ronin which is scheduled for a 2024 release. 

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