
The Latest Palworld's Update Fixes the Nails Exploit

At the same time, combining 4 campfires now heats the surroundings to "the temperature of a volcano."

Image Credit: Pocketpair, Palworld

A new major Palworld update rolled out on Steam and Xbox, introducing a broad list of changes, mostly focusing on fixing existing issues and adjusting balance.

This time, the developers of a hit indie game prepared various long-awaited changes, such as resolving the issue of unnecessary data accumulating in save data, player issue corrections including improved interaction accuracy, multiple known bugs related to broken sounds, and Pals getting stuck in different scenarios were fixed as well as accessibility and network-related issues, such as updating the server lobby or improved text and in-game brightness adjustment.

Pocketpair worked so hard on this patch that they accidentally fixed a "bug" and had to apologize for that:

However, a few of these changes affected the game logic and already established players' behavior, making some even disappointed. For example, an interesting one is, from now on, all changes in environmental temperature are added up, meaning if you put 4 campfires next to each other, the surrounding area will have the temperature of a volcano.

Riding in prohibited hunting areas would now result in a crime and the number of police officers who appear when a crime is committed is significantly increased. Still, the one update that immediately draws attention is that "the abnormally high selling price of nails" is now also corrected.

Palworld's players exploited a strangely high selling price of nails for a while, making easy money out of it. The balance fix in the current patch v0.1.5.0 is significant, for example, a single nail could be sold for 160 Gold, with the current price being a mere 20 Gold. Sadly, stockpiling nails before the patch still depreciated them in value.

Read the full list of patch notes here and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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