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The Next Cyberpunk Game To Involve 350 to 500 Developers

The company believes that Cyberpunk 2077 is a "good reference point" when thinking about development headcount for projects of this scale.

Last week, CD Projekt RED spilled the beans about new games that are currently in development at the studio, with one of the new projects being the next Cyberpunk game codenamed "Orion".

The developer also shared that this game will be the first project developed at the newly launched CD Projekt RED North America – a new division comprised of the company's existing Vancouver division and Cyberpunk 2077 core development team, including lead quest designer Paweł Sasko, who will move to Boston to form a new studio.

During CD Projekt's investor call, the company shared some more details about the upcoming title saying that it is planned that the Project Orion development team will involve 350 to 500 people. 

That's according to CD Projekt Red CFO Piotr Nielubowicz who reiterated that the team working on a new Cyberpunk game will include developers from the Vancouver studio that CD Projekt RED established last year, developers from the new Boston studio and will be supported by the developers from Poland.

He also added that the company's latest release, Cyberpunk 2077, is an excellent benchmark for planning the production of future projects of a similar scale which is why he feels that 350 to 500 developers were a safe estimate.

"As for the total headcount required for such a production, I believe the best reference is Cyberpunk 2077, our most recent release and a good reference point when thinking about development headcount and future projects of this scale," Nielubowicz said (transcription via IGN). "I think it’s safe to assume that between 350 and 500 developers should be required."

Given that last year, the Vancouver studio reportedly had around 12 team members, CD Projekt RED apparently needs to hire a few hundred new staff to reach the 350 to 500 quota. The company has already posted a number of positions on its website.

You can find the full recording of CDPR's investor call here. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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