"The glasses have their iconic form factor, and they let you do some pretty neat things. I’m excited to get these into people’s hands and to continue to make progress on the journey towards full augmented reality glasses in the future," comments Mark Zuckerberg.
There are no details regarding the functionality of the glasses. What we know is that they will not be mixed reality glasses like Microsoft's HoloLens or an augmented reality device like Facebook's Project Aria which is still in the making. It will probably be sort of a lite version of AR/VR/XR glasses allowing you to perform basic operations like taking pictures.
These glasses, however, will be yet another major step towards creating the metaverse Mark Zuckerberg has recently spoken about. Though Facebook CEO emphasized that the new smart glasses do not classify as an AR device, they are an important part of the metaverse project paving the way for the Project Aria glasses the company is working on.
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