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This Website Allows You to Visit the Most Iconic Game Levels From the Browser

Meet noclip.website, a comprehensive "digital museum of video game levels".

If you ever wanted to revisit some of the game maps you used to spend hours on back in the day but didn't want to purchase and install the games themselves, here is an absolutely incredible website that will enable you to fly through some of the most iconic levels from the convenience of your browser.

Meet noclip.website, a comprehensive collection of maps from various video games, described by its creator as a "digital museum of video game levels". Written by Jasper, noclip.website was created as a tribute to the art of level design for video games, allowing one to "explore and deepen your appreciation for some of your favorite games." 

"I've always had an appreciation for the incredible worlds that game developers make," comments the museum's creator. "Sometimes staring closely at levels might help you understand the challenges the designers were facing, and what problems and techniques they used to solve them. You can learn a lot about a game by looking in the places they don't show in the game itself. It's also a ton of fun to test your memory, seeing if you can remember how a level is laid out, or where two rooms might connect to each other."

At the moment, the museum features hundreds of levels from dozens of games, featuring titles for such platforms as PC, Wii, Nintendo 64, 3DS, and DS, GameCube, PlayStation, and more. The list of games includes Mario Kart, Super Mario Galaxy, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, and San Andreas, Half-Life 1 and 2, Portal 1 and 2, Dark Souls, Final Fantasy X, Counter-Strike: Source, Fez, Team Fortress 2, and countless others.

If you would like to contribute to noclip.website, you can join the official Discord and help the developer with some smaller tasks. If you are no stranger to coding, however, you can also help Jasper with the website's code. "All the source code to the site is available at GitHub, whether you want to browse around, use it for your own purposes, or help contribute," comments the developer

The developer also assures that it is unlikely for noclip.website to be taken down, noting that if developers do request to remove certain levels, such levels would be removed in no time, since "it is their work on display, after all."

"Companies take down fan projects when they're competing with their in-house projects. I don't see noclip.website as competing with any game out there – it's more of a museum, not a game. The worlds on display are incredible and I hope they encourage you to go out and buy a copy of the game itself," reads the website's FAQ section. "That said, I have enormous respect for the developers and dev teams and if I received a take-down request, I would honor it. It is their work on display, after all."

Learn more and re-experience your favorite maps by clicking this link. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on ThreadsInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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