
3DCoat 2022.35 Released

Check out the list of updates in the latest build.

Pilgway has launched 3DCoat 2022.35, the latest stable build of the team's 3D toolkit. The new version lets artists sculpt and paint simultaneously with any of the voxel brushes.


  • Fixed problems with the decimation dialog.
  • Core API supports colored voxels as well.
  • Hotkey mechanics improved.
  • The voxel color is applied to a wide range of tools - Blob, spike, snake, muscle, primitives, etc.
  • You may now sculpt and paint simultaneously with all Voxel Brush Engine-based brushes.
  • The Projector may be applied using the back faces culling + fading (optional).

What is more, Pilgway presented 3DCoatTextura 2022, a new version of the cut-down edition of 3DCoat for texturing 3D models created in other software.

You can learn about previous updates here. 3DCoat is a digital sculpting program designed to create organic and hard surface 3D models from scratch. It is available here for €379 for a perpetual license or €19.85 for a monthly subscription.

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80 insectoid creature mega pack to create a variety of insects and alien creatures in the blink of an eye! Mandibles, horns, limbs, and all the little bits to bring your bugs to life! Just load the brushes, drag them into your scene and you're ready to go!

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