
80 Level Relaunched

Today we relaunch 80 Level. We’re getting rid of the old sections, and we’ll be gradually adding new exciting ones.


This is Kirill.

We’ve launched 80 Level in 2015, seems like ages ago, trying to build a website for the people who work in video games. We’ve been incredibly fortunate to be greeted with open arms by the community. During these years we’ve published thousands of interviews and breakdowns, talked with some of the greatest talents in the industry and helped many of our readers with their hiring.

Today we relaunch 80 Level. We’re getting a new exciting website, which was created by a very talented team of professional designers helmed by Sergey Poydo, to whom I personally own many thanks. We’re getting rid of the old sections, and we’ll be gradually adding new exciting ones. Each and every 80 Level post was carefully transferred to the new website and we’re hoping that the new structure will help you find information even quicker. The new website is also much faster and it looks great on smartphones and tablets. And for those of you asking, yes, we are working on a dark theme.

There’s also a new logo and a whole new branding guide, which you can use to apply to your 80 Level-related posts. 

80 Level has grown as a brand and as a place for our little professional community, so we could no longer operate on the previous tech we’ve used, and we had to remake everything from zero. It was a lot of work, but we’ve made it. Obviously there are some mistakes, bugs and little things we’ve missed. If you come across any of them - please send them over and we’ll fix them.

Either way, thanks for hanging out with us for so long. Hope you enjoy the new look and features and looking forward to communicating with you in the comments.

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Comments 32

  • Anonymous user

    To be honest, the previous version of the site was definitely clearer to me. Simplicity was your strongest feature. In 3 seconds I was able to check what is going on in the CG industry on a particular day. That was awesome. Now 80level looks like..... other websites


    Anonymous user

    ·5 years ago·
  • Anonymous user

    The previous layout was very efficient: at a single glance we could see all the news and open directly those we wanted to read.
    Now it is confused and heavy, hard to read, not the kind of approach we need in professional context when we miss time...


    Anonymous user

    ·5 years ago·
  • thedms

    I created a Dark Theme for 80.lv

    Check it out =)



    ·5 years ago·
  • Daluz Luciano

    This new layout...Its not... Good.


    Daluz Luciano

    ·5 years ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Congratulations, I really love the new design!


    Anonymous user

    ·5 years ago·
  • tsk46

    Congrats! But could you please bring back the rss?



    ·5 years ago·
  • Anonymous user

    On the other hand I really love the redesign. It looks a whole lot more professional! Great job <3 Wish you doubling your page views!


    Anonymous user

    ·5 years ago·
  • . Jixal

    Great styling with the colours & theme! But it's let down by the design; unfortuently it's a massive step backward.
    The original was really easy to navigate & understand, now it's a complete mess. Boxes, banners everywhere.  There are way to many things competing for attention.

    The first intro to the website is a centered advert followed by a featured article box followed by other featured box's, 3 layers of banners!..... once you do get to the main point of the site now you can only see 3 latest articles at a glance instead of the latest 12 or so?
    At a maxiumum you have 9 articles on a page, meaning we have to scroll and flick through multiple pages, when before it was all on one screen which was fantastic....
    The popular this week section splitting up the latest articles is not good. seriously breaks the flow.

    I love this site and can appreciate the effort that's gone into the redesign but why make it harder to use just to make it prettier..... form should follow function.


    . Jixal

    ·5 years ago·

    I explored the new site a bit more and especially when reading an article on mobile, the new design is awesome! I really like the look of that! So really, mostly the main page would be more lovely, if we could have more content to browse through there, like I explained in my other post.



    ·5 years ago·
  • Володя Любчук

    Guys, there are not so many articles on the main page now. As guys said - you have to spend a lot of time to find something new

    Probably there is some another way to get new cool style for the site..


    Володя Любчук

    ·5 years ago·

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