This shader can be used for a variety of visual effects, including fire, smoke, water, and more.
VFX Artist at Wild Sheep Studio Simon Trümpler has released an amazing multifunctional shader made with Unreal Engine. Made by Simon during a Tech Art Class at SAE School, the shader can be used for a variety of visual effects, including fire, smoke, water, item flare, forcefield, projectile trail, and more. According to the artist, the goal of the project was to show students how to create a shader that can be used to save a lot of time during production.
The artist commented that the shader consists of two Grayscale textures, one gives structure, the other one serves as a mask, one Normal Map for distortion and refraction, one LUT for colorizing the Grayscale values, and features like controlling the UV distortion on X, Y, and over time.
You can learn more about the shader here and download the project files for free over here. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.