
A New Landscape Stamping Tool for Unreal Engine

The tool enables its users to create realistic terrains in a non-destructive way.

3D Environment Artist Jakob Menz has released a Landscape Stamping Tool – a pack of custom terrain brushes that enable the user to create realistic terrains in a non-destructive way. The pack contains 49 Mountain Brushes, 35 Valley Brushes, and 19 Slope Details Brushes which can be placed, rotated, and scaled on a regular Unreal Engine landscape. The tool is compatible with Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine 5, and World Partition.


  • 100+ Custom Blueprint Brushes (Texture resolution ranging from 1024x1024 to 4096x4096, 16bit depth)
  • Create your own Blueprint Brushes with custom alpha textures
  • Brushes for the default Sculpting Tool included

Technical Limitations:

  • Landmass plug-in needs to be enabled
  • The landscape has to be square
  • Performance while editing the landscape at resolutions of 4096x4096 or higher can be quite bad, depending on your hardware
  • The Alpha Brushes for the default Sculpting Tool are limited to 8-bit depth, which produces stepping artifacts at higher landscape resolutions
  • Size 1.8GB

Learn more and download the tool here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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Comments 2

  • Anonymous user

    Not everyone wants to or can afford a paid program which, if you're mentioning World Machine, you'd need to buy the paid version to export past I think 1024x1024 height maps.

    At that point there's no use in getting WM when Houdini does procedural landscape much better and it also does other procedural generation like buildings, assets etc and they have a Unreal Engine plugin.


    Anonymous user

    ·2 years ago·
  • Anonymous user

    I’ll never under stand doing landscape inside unreal engine. Auto materials really aren’t that great, no good way to texture it compared to generating landscape in tools like world machine. Much easier to texture it when done externally.


    Anonymous user

    ·2 years ago·

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