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Blaze Entertainment Introduced the Retro Handheld Evercade EXP

The updated version of the retro gaming console will be getting Wi-Fi and a new vertical mode.

Blaze Entertainment announced the Evercade EXP, a new version of its handheld retro gaming console.

This new model brings a 1.5GHz processor that, according to the company, will deliver almost the same performance as its Evercade VS home console. The updated console has 4GB of memory and a larger battery which can provide about four or five hours of gaming. It also features a high resolution 4.3” IPS screen which provides more colorful visuals and better viewing angles, has a built-in Wi-Fi, and a new pair of L2/R2 triggers.

Evercade EXP introduced a new TATE mode that allows users to play vertical games like Truxton, Burger Time, and Centipede. With this mode, players can hold the handheld upright and play using the dedicated buttons located underneath the screen.

Retail units will come with the IREM Arcade 1 collection which features a selection of six classic titles inside a cartridge: R-Type, Moon Patrol, 10-Yard Fight, Battle Chopper (Mr. Heli), Lightning Swords, and In The Hunt. Apart from this, Evercade EXP will support the whole Evercade cartridge library that has 30 collections including over 300 games.

The new console is slated for release in winter 2022 and will cost £129.99 / €149.99 / $149.99.

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