
Rumor: Possible Release Date for Grand Theft Auto 6 Revealed

A video game store from Uruguay appears to have disclosed the launch date for the gaming industry's most anticipated title.

UPD 2: XUruguay has shut down the game's store page and issued a statement explaining that it all was just "a joke that escalated" and, much like anyone else besides Rockstar, they are not aware of the game's planned release date. Below is the full announcement shared by the team:

"Like all fans, we are super excited and looking forward to the release of GTA VI, we take as a reference the release of the previous game GTA V which was on September 17, 2013.

It was not our intention to generate confusion and we want to clarify that we did not receive at any time from any of the Brands, any official information about the release date of the game. Like you, the only rumors that we are aware of are that it may be in Fall 2025 (September, October, or November), but there is nothing officially confirmed and we have no other additional information.

On behalf of the entire XUruguay team we apologize if we excite any gamer or affect any person with the wrong release date of GTA VI, which was simply a mistake, a new guy tells us the release date of GTA on Google (it was GTA V) and we said OK, then put it in (it was more of an internal joke that escalated) and then the speculation began, we know that it is not the correct date since the releases are on Tuesdays or Friday and this date is a Wednesday.

The only thing that is certain is that we were wrong, one of the most important games in history is coming and we are eager to see it."

UPD: XUruguay has updated its GTA 6 store page, removing the date and changing the description from stating the game is a PlayStation 5 exclusive to a "new GTA installment for next-gen." Whether it was a marketing ploy, a placeholder date from the GTA 5 era, or, in the most unlikely scenario, a genuine mistake is presently unknown.

Original article: If you were a Harry Potter fan circa 2007 and remember the debacle surrounding a bookseller shipping copies of The Deathly Hallows a week early, you know better than anyone that it's not impossible for a vendor to reveal something they shouldn't, accidentally or otherwise. Much like The Deathly Hallows for the 2007 book readers, Grand Theft Auto 6 is arguably one of the most anticipated titles in the gaming community, and as it seems, it also had a significant piece of information about it revealed by a store.


Brought to our attention by a Montevideo local, a video game store and "geek center" from Uruguay called XUruguay has nonchalantly beaten Rockstar, Take-Two, industry insiders, and gaming journalists to revealing the biggest mystery surrounding GTA VI at this time – its release date – right on the game's page in their store catalog.

According to XUruguay, the next installment in the iconic series is set to release on September 17 as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, which aligns perfectly with Take-Two's plans to ship the game in Fall 2025. If true, this would mean GTA VI is launching exactly 12 years after GTA V, which hit the shelves on the same date in 2013.

When the Montevideo local reached out to the store with the most obvious question, "How do they know that?" XUruguay allegedly claimed that they work directly with PlayStation, which provides them with information on what products to sell and when. Presumably, some miscommunication between the store and the game's developers led to the unintended early reveal of a release date that was meant to remain secret – giving us a chance to clear our calendars well in advance. Attached below is a screenshot sent to us by the Montevideano:

As obscure as Uruguay and its geek stores might be to the vast majority of our readers, the shop in question appears to be a reputable establishment, boasting a 97% trust score on ScamAdviser and a 5/5 rating on Tripadvisor, making it all the more head-scratching as to why they would so casually disclose one of the best-kept gaming secrets currently in existence. At the time of writing, the game's page has not yet been altered or deleted, so you can check it out yourself by clicking this link.

80 Level has reached out to Rockstar for official confirmation. Stay tuned.

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    It also says it's exclusive to PS5 which is obviously not true so I wouldn't believe the release date either.


    Anonymous user

    ·a month ago·

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