
CD Projekt RED to Build an Eco-Town in Warsaw

The company unveiled its plan to expand its Warsaw headquarters by building an eco-town which will include an office building with plants growing right on its facade and a car park with built-in charging stations for electric vehicles.

CD Projekt RED unveiled its plan to expand its headquarters in Warsaw by building a modern eco-town with an area of ​​​​almost 2.5 hectares.

The company shared its plan with the Polish outlet Gazeta Wyborcza saying that it wants to create not just an office but a completely new town that will be modern and comfortable as well as "adapted to the needs of our dynamically developing group."

The eco-town, among other things, will include a multi-storey office building, a multi-storey car park with built-in charging stations for electric vehicles, a special recreational place on the roof of the main building where employees can relax, a basketball court, and a sports area for crossfit.

According to the project, plants will grow right on the facades of buildings, which are planned to be irrigated with settled rainwater collected specially for this purpose. The eco-town is also implementing a modern sewerage system that will reduce water consumption.

The company says it already has the necessary approvals to start the investment and the construction of the main office building will start at the beginning of 2023.

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