
Check Out a New Procedural Felt Generator For Blender

Powered by Geometry Nodes, the tool lets you turn any 3D model into a wooly felt toy.

Adrien Latran, a 3D Generalist and Asset Builder, has presented a new awesome tool for Blender 3.6 or higher that lets you turn any 3D model into a fluffy and woolly toy in just a few clicks. Check out Felt Generator, a Geometry Nodes-powered fully-procedural setup that can give a model a wool-like appearance, while maintaining support for the original mesh's UVs and textures and adapting to any procedural workflows.

The generator gives the user full control over the thread density, size, thickness, randomness, and many other settings, allowing you to tweak and customize the final looks of your felt model. Moreover, the setup remains swift and iterative thanks to specific optimization, camera culling, and an instance-based workflow, the author comments.


  • It is a fully procedural node that you can use on any object and fully supports animated and rigged objects.
  • Instanced-based workflow, for ultra-quick viewport performances, allowing you to handle tens of thousands of curves in real-time.
  • For further optimization, there's also a smart Camera Culling option, to remove any unnecessary fuzz outside of the camera view that might be hurting performance.
  • You can animate the felt either on the entire mesh or even on specific regions of the mesh that are getting deformed.
  • Comes with a material that is optimized for Cycles and supports procedural texturing, as well as image texturing from the original object.

You can learn more and get the generator by clicking this link. Don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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