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Check Out This UE5 Post-Process Camera Imperfections Toolkit

Hubert Mika Productions shared a WIP of their IMPERFECTER Unreal Engine 5 Post-Process toolkit, aiming to provide a set of modular effects focused on simulating various real-life camera imperfections.

Hubert Mika Productions offered a sneak peek at IMPERFECTER, showing how easily the bodycam effect can be achieved with the help of this plug-in, a Post-Process toolkit for Unreal Engine 5 made with Global Shaders with no Post Process Materials involved.

This plug-in aims to provide a set of modular effects focused primarily on simulating various real-life camera imperfections. The effects can be used multiple times and reordered; they're stacked on top of each other, so their order matters. The effects' parameters can also be changed at runtime.

Hubert Mika Productions

The developer emphasized that this is a work in progress, and the video doesn't reflect the final state of the plugin. As time goes on, new effects will be introduced to further expand the toolkit and its possibilities.

Hubert Mika Productions also mentioned that the shaders and rendering code have been designed with performance in mind to ensure they're lightweight and suitable for real-time rendering. The GPU cost is different for each effect based on its complexity. A set of all currently available effects (6 in total) on RTX 2070 Mobile (GTX 1660Ti Desktop equivalent) at 1920x1080 costs roughly 0.58ms to 0.65ms.

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