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Combining Disco Diffusion & Hand-Drawn Animation

The project was made by Eric Lefaure and Remi Molettee.

Every single day, we see more and more mind-blowing pieces of art generated by various AIs. Today, the project that impressed us the most was a stunning animation made by 2D Animator Eric Lefaure and AI enthusiast and Filmmaker Remi Molettee. The artists worked together to combine their passions and produce a great animation powered by AI and based on hand-drawn animation by Eric.

The animation itself depicts various steampunk-looking robots smoothly morphing into one another. According to Eric, to create the project they used Disco Diffusion, an AI-based text-to-image neural network that generates visuals by using prompts that describe the scene. Unfortunately, the team didn't share the prompts they used to create the project.

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