
Create Diverse Outfits for Your 3D Characters with This Blender Add-On

Generate clothes with a few clicks and customize the outfit's shape and details with Divine Cut, Smart Cloth Generator V3 by Xane Studios.

Boost your character creation with Divine Cut, Smart Cloth Generator V3 by Xane Studios, an add-on for Blender that allows you to create clothes for your characters with a few clicks.

The add-on offers ready-made design decisions in cloth presets and allows for customization of the clothes that you create. The tools are user-friendly and easy to use. With Paint Mode, you can change shape and behavior of the generated clothes and adjust it to suit your character best. It has such Painting Features as Inflation, Deflation, Pinning, Pressure, and more.

Also, you can easily transform the clothes by adding a collar or a hoodie or using Design Features such as Binding, Zippers, or Puffer. Collars in Blender can be challenging to work with due to their stiffness, but with this tool, you can add a collar to the generated top with a single click. Cloth Generator provides a wide range of texturing tools, as you can stamp an image onto cloth and add buttons or pockets. 

The generated clothes have the "least topology possible," and you can use subdivision modifiers to control how much topology you want before and after the cloth modifier.

The add-on comes with a demo file, which includes a character rig and a collection of buttons and zipper objects.

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