
Deus Ex: Modular ‘One Texture’ Assembly Line Library Tutorial

A tutorial by Vincent Joyal dedicated to creating textures for cyberpunk prisons.

Vincent Joyal, an environment artist who has worked on content for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, shared some of his art and an amazing Modular “One Texture” Assembly Line Library tutorial that can teach you how to create similar cyberpunk spaces.

All Rights Reserved – Square-Enix/Eidos Montreal.

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I’ve had the pleasure to spend a little time on the Deus Ex franchise. First and foremost I’d like to thank My Art Director Michel Lanoie for guiding me through the exotic Deus Ex Pipeline, the sharing of his overall knowledge of the franchise, made me a better artist. I also want to thank many other people most notably: Thomas Rodrigue, Hubert Corriveau, Matthieu Gallais, Philippe Gagné, Ange Sarric, Gabriel Barbe, Louis-Vincent Roy, Erwan Fagard and Gabriel Van De Walle. The screenshots are a mix of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Deus Ex: System Rift and Deus Ex: A Criminal Past. I also took the liberty to create a tutorial of a pipeline I created by refining known methods. The Tutorial is entitled ” Creating a Modular “One texture” Assembly Line Library”. Hope you like it!

Vincent Joyal 

Modular “One Texture” Assembly Line Library Tutorial


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Ok I just wanted to comment after reading the article, the methodology for using a single 1024 x 1024 image for storing ALL TEXTURES as a modular encapsulator is not a new idea, and if you look at how sprites were made and used back in the 8bit days, particularly with the NES, you will see that this is exactly what they did, as it was ONE LIBRARY. Back then the sprites allowed for palette swapping, which brings me to the main idea I’m trying to convey: We can learn so much from how things were done in the past, because they had to make do with much less. We take for granted raw CPU/GPU power nowdays, but it’s always good if we can take that performance further by squeezing everything that we can out of the resources at hand.

Swami Gattas

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Comments 1

  • Voigt Felix

    Very interesting article.. I have but one question: can you explain why it is forbidden to flip tiles/UVs in Step 6? I have just tried it in max with my own trimsheet and mapped a plane on it, and then I have turned a piece in the UV - it seemed like the shading was still totaly fine for this piece. My Idea was to first model my environment modules and then map parts of it to the trim sheet.


    Voigt Felix

    ·7 years ago·

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