Over the past few days, Studio ZA/UM, the developer behind the critically acclaimed RPG Disco Elysium, officially confirmed that Robert Kurvitz, Aleksander Rostov, and Helen Hindpere left the studio almost a year ago, near the end of 2021. What initially started as a rumor turned out to be the truth and might cast a shadow of uncertainty over the development of the soon-to-be-announced sequel.
According to the company's Martin Luiga's announcement, shared on October 1, DE's Lead Designer Robert Kurvitz, Writer Helen Hindpere, and Lead Artist Aleksander Rostov left the company in an involuntary manner and have not been involved with the development of the upcoming Disco Elysium 2 since the end of 2021.
"I, Martin Luiga, a founding member and Secretary of the ZA/UM cultural association, as well as the assembler of most of the core team, am hereby dissolving the ZA/UM cultural association, not to be confused with the ZA/UM company, on which subject I would note that neither Kurvitz, Hindpere nor Rostov are working there since the end of last year and their leaving the company was involuntary. Which would seem like bad news for the loving fans that are waiting for the Disco sequel," reads Luiga's announcement.
Additionally, Luiga stated that the decision to dissolve the ZA/UM cultural association, which consisted of the trio and Luiga himself, was dictated by the fact that it no longer represented what it had been founded on.
"The reason for dissolving the cultural organization is that it no longer represents the ethos it was founded on," he added. "People and ideas are meant to be eternal; organizations may well be temporary. I find that the organization was successful overall and most of the mistakes that were made were contingent, determined by the sociocultural conditions we were thrown into."
What do you think about DE's core team leaving the company? What does it mean for the sequel? Leave your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.
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