
DishBrain: Scientists Taught Neurons to Play Pong

DishBrain is a real-time synthetic biological intelligence platform.

Scientists taught a combination of human or rodent brain cells to play Pong. They called their research DishBrain and presented it in the Neuron journal.

DishBrain is a real-time synthetic biological intelligence platform that "harnesses the inherent adaptive computation of neurons in a structured environment." The cultures were embedded in a simulated game world, mimicking Pong. The researchers found them learning within five minutes of real-time gameplay not observed in control conditions. 

"Further experiments demonstrate the importance of closed-loop structured feedback in eliciting learning over time. Cultures display the ability to self-organize activity in a goal-directed manner in response to sparse sensory information about the consequences of their actions, which we term synthetic biological intelligence."

This discovery could help create true neural network artificial intelligence and aid patients with neurological disabilities.

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